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adventure, blog, Fishing, florida, Georgia, girls who fish, girls who hunt, grilling, hats, Hunting, south florida, travel, White tail, woods -

Being an outdoors(wo)man for me is more than just a passion. It's a lifestyle. This past January 2020, for my birthday, I was able to head up to GA with a great group of friends.   Camo queen! One of the first bucks I ever laid eyes on.. got some hell back at camp for not shooting this one lol My favorite stand at River Place the buck was all the way at the end of this lane   Success!!! What an insane hunt under the craziest conditions. When I got into the stand, the 4th day in the afternoon,...

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adventure, blog, Fishing, florida, girls who fish, hats, lobster, offshore, travel -

My first blog ever.. please excuse the run-on sentences and ridiculous use of the mighty (.) << period. I am a designer not a writer.. amongst other things. 

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